Students learn about the Interreg Artemis programme

The Interreg Artemis project for the restoration of Posidonia meadows in the Mediterranean was presented to students by members of the Green Tank team.

Specifically, Elena Psyllakou, Communications Officer, and George Dounis, Assistant Policy Officer, visited the Kalogeropoulou School on September 18, 2024 and Ellinogermaniki Agogi on October 31, 2024.

These presentations were part of the info day organized by the Natural Heritage Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED programme.

Presentations were also made by:

  • Vera Bougiouri, NTUA, on the Natural Heritage Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED programme,
  • Eleni Katsirodi and Stella Rapti, NECCA, for the protected areas of Attica,
  • Andreas Sotiropoulos, Terra Nova, for corporate beach adoption initiatives.

By reclaiming the recognition of the value of Posidonia in the Mediterranean region for climate change mitigation and adaptation, ARTEMIS‘ main objective is to accelerate their restoration by integrating their vital ecosystem services into public and private governance schemes.

You can learn more about the Interreg Artemis programme here.