Ioli Christopoulou spoke to Joël Bronner, the RFI (Radio France Internationale) correspondent in Athens, about the new environmental law passed in early May. She reviewed the changes brought by the new law, recognizing positive elements, such as the establishment of the new central Agency for the Natural Environment and Climate Change. At the same time, she noted that due to specific provisions included in the new law, caution will be needed in coming years in order to prevent the inclusion of environmentally harmful activities such as hydrocarbon exploration in protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, which are now explicitly permitted.
During the show Accent d’Europe which was dedicated to the protection of the environment in the midst of coronavirus pandemic, RFI correspondents presented recent developments in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece, Poland and Romania.
The whole show (in French) titled “After the confinement, is Europe less polluted?”, which aired on June 5, 2020 is available here: