A confrontation between the State and local authorities is currently underway in Greece on the implementation of the Landfill Tax. Each side is focusing on “where the other side is wrong”. At the same time, while there have been positive steps over time, the reality waste management in Greece is that we remain in the bottom 2-3 positions in the EU, despite significant European funding.
In a joint press release, 13 Greek environmental NGOs chronicle what has happened with the landfill tax since its introduction in 2014. They then make three recommendations to overcome the current impasse.
You can read in detail the Greek press release here.
The organizations co-signing it are:
- Birdlife Greece
- ECOREC (Ecological Recycling Corporation)*
- Greenpeace*
- Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature
- iSea
- MedINA
- Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace
- Society for the Protection of Prespa
- The Green Tank
- WWF*
*For further info, contact these NGOs.