The progress and challenges of the renewable energy sector in Greece were the subject of an article in Spanish and international media outlet Energía Estratégica España/Scientific Energy Europe.
Starting from 2024 – the record year with 2.5 GW of new installed photovoltaic capacity, Nikos Mantzaris spoke to journalist Emilia Lardizábal and estimated that the NECP targets for 2030 will be achieved ahead of schedule. The same can and should happen with the energy storage targets, if they are indeed a national priority instead of a fossil gas-based strategy (as seems to be the case so far).
In addition to the slow pace of storage, other challenges threatening the progress of renewables are the limited grid capacity, increasing RES curtailments and the absence of a modern spatial framework for renewables.
To address these issues, it is proposed to:
- Develop new interconnections and extend grid capacity.
- Accelerate the development of storage infrastructure.
- Support self-production by households, SMEs and energy communities
- Ensure a socially just and environmentally friendly energy transition.