On community energy law in Greece, Serbia, Poland and Bulgaria

Following the workshop “Community energy law in Greece, Serbia, Poland, and Bulgaria. Stock taking and bottlenecks” which was organised over the course of the Community Energy Spring Gathering in Athens (May 2023), The Green Tank contributed to the report titled “Power to the People Legal frameworks of community energy in Bulgaria, Greece, Poland and Serbia”. The report was published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Warsaw and Cooptech Hub in December 2023.

“In the past year, we have observed an interesting trend during the energy crisis. More and more people are turning to renewable energy sources and self-production. The number of applications for collective self-production projects by energy communities increased five times over the
last year (from November 2021 to November 2022), indicating a growing interest in such initiatives,” said Ioanna Theodosiou providing an insight into Greece’s experience.

The report is available at pl.boell.org/pl.