Articles / Opinions

Environment or development: An old dilemma reemerges

There is no doubt that the crisis created by the corona virus demands our attention and top place in the news. Opinion piece by Ioli Christopoulou on the worrying and long-term consequences of the new bill proposed by the Ministry of Environment and Energy if it goes forward as submitted in the public consultation.

More national and European funds for Western Macedonia and Megalopolis

The significance of Greece demanding a change in the criteria used to allocate funds of the new European Just Transition Mechanism among Member States, and the need for the Greek government to channel every year of this decade public funds from the auctioning of CO2 allowances to the country’s two lignite regions, were underlined by Nikos Mantzaris in an article by Machie Tratsa in Sunday’s “Vima” on the challenges these regions face because of the decision to phase out lignite.

Environment 2019: 8+1 trends

Shortly before the dawn of the new decade, Ioli Christopoulou presents the 8+1 environmental trends from Greece and the world that marked 2019.

Can Greece replace lignite with renewables by 2028?

Analysis and thoughts provided by Nikos Mantzaris  of the Green Tank on the historic 2028 lignite phase out decision announced by the Greek Prime Minister in the climate summit in New York and what it means for the deployment of renewables.