Speeches / Interviews

Policy developments on invasive alien species

Presentation by Ioli Christopoulou at the 5th regional stakeholder meeting of the INVALIS project, which was dedicated to the application of the EU institutional framework for Invasive Alien Species.

Post-pandemic green recovery

Interview of Ioli Christopoulou on the impacts of the pandemic and the need for a green recovery to journalist Aspasia Vouzi of the 102fm radio station of ERT3.

The Natura 2000 network & article 219

Interview by Ioli Christopoulou to journalist Nina Maria Paschalidou and the show ECO-agents of pod.gr regarding the Natura 2000 network and the distortions on Greece’s protected areas due to Article

Financing for a Just Transition

Nikos Mantzaris participated in the online event organized by the International Sustainable Finance Centre – ISFC, entitled “Filling the Just Transition finance gap: The role of Private capital”.

Wind Turbines: yes or no?

Talk by Ioanna Theodosiou on “Wind turbines: yes or no?” on the students of the Postgraduate Program “Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies” at the National and Kapodistrian University