climate change & energy

Greece is almost saying goodbye to lignite

Nikos Mantzaris is quoted in an article in the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel which analyzes the coal-phase out paths of Greece and Germany and compares the cases of new coal plants “Ptolemaida 5” in Greece and “Datteln 4” in Germany with that of “Ostroleka C” in Poland for which the decision was made to cancel the coal character of the project.

Mobilization of citizens towards climate-neutral cities

Ioli Christopoulou participated in a “round table” discussion during an online event co-organized by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology with the support of the PRAXI Network entitled “Financing Opportunities from the ‘Climate-neutral & smart cities’ Mission of the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 Framework Program”.

World Environment Day: Challenges for the period ahead

On the occasion of the 2020 World Environment Day, Nikos Mantzaris and Ioli Christopoulou discuss the challenges that derive from recent environmental developments, in an article published in a special issue dedicated to the environment of the printed version of LIFO.