climate change & energy

Trends in Greece’s fossil gas consumption & imports – December 2022

In the first five months (August-December) of the eight-month period of reduction of fossil gas consumption set by the European Union, Greece is at -18.2% compared to the five-year average, thus exceeding the European target of -15%, and at -31% compared to the same period in 2021. Despite a small increase in Russian gas imports in December, 2022 ended with a 68.3% decrease compared to 2021.

Trends in electricity production – November 2022

Renewables, together with large hydro, extend their lead over fossil fuels in the first 11 months of 2022. In the 1st month of the implementation of the EU obligation to reduce consumption by 10% compared to the 5-year average during the period November 2022-March 2023, Greece is at -8.1%

Trends in Greece’s fossil gas consumption & imports – November 2022

Greece continues its downward trend in gas consumption, reaching -20% in the August-November period compared to the five-year average, thus exceeding by 5 percentage points the -15% target set by the EU-27 for the period August 2022-March 2023. The dependence on Russian gas continues to be practically non-existent in November.