Following the online discussion titled “Hydrocarbon extraction vs Offshore wind: Can Greece become a green energy hub in the Mediterranean?”, co-organized by The Green Tank, the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and ELIAMEP, Ioli Christopoulou gave a radio interview to Aspasia Vouzi, ERT 3 102FM on the advantages of offshore wind for the climate and Greece’s geopolitical status.
This event drew on the respective policy paper prepared by a research team led by Professor Emmanuella Doussis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, UNESCO Chairholder on Climate Diplomacy, through a collaboration with the environmental think tank The Green Tank.
As Ioli Christopoulou pointed out, as the country’s energy model is increasingly turning to renewable energy sources, offshore wind far ms are emerging as a viable alternative energy source that also ensures and enhances the country’s geopolitical interests. A key condition for their effective use is proper siting to protect biodiversity and coexistence with other marine activities.
The interview was held on Sunday December 4, 2022 and it now available on The Green Tank’s YouTube channel (in Greek).