climate change & energy

Energy communities: Do it like Ireland!

An article by Ioanna Theodosiou presenting the possibility of laying down a state aid scheme specifically for energy communities, based on the based on the recent successful example of Ireland.

Climate and biodiversity

Guest lecture by Ioli Christopoulou on climate and biodiversity at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, on November 11, 2021.

Climate Change: Science and Data

On November 23, 2021, Nikos Mantzaris gave a lecture on “Climate Change: Science and Data”, as part of the project “Learn-Participate-Protect the environment”, which is implemented under the Active citizen fund programme.

In the aftermath of COP26

Participation of Νikos Mantzaris in a TV discussion on the progress in tackling the climate crisis and the 26th world climate conference in Glasgow, hosted by Matroni Dikaiakou’s “Karta Melous” (Member’s Card) show on the Hellenic Parliament’s broadcaster.

The post-lignite era in light of COP26

Nikos Mantzaris, participated in the show FYSIKA, dedicated to the theme “Western Macedonia facing the post-lignite era”, as a guest of the physicist and development consultant Spyros Kanouras

Fossil gas is not a sustainable investment

A letter to the members of the Modernization Fund Investment Committee was ψο-signed by the Green Tank, along with the European Environmental Bureau, CEE Bankwatch Network, Bomiasto, CAN Europe and Friends of the Earth Bulgaria, requesting the rejection of funding for projects involving the use of fossil fuels.