After years of stagnation, the two most polluting sectors of the Greek industry (cement production and refineries) are aiming to reduce their carbon footprint, in line with the NECP and EU priorities, despite concerns about their competitiveness.
The challenges brought by ETS-2 for buildings & road transport and the role of the Social Climate Fund.
November recorded the highest monthly carbon intensity of 2024 in Greece (318 g CO2/kWh), due to the increased production of fossil fuels (lignite and fossil gas).
Monthly net exports in Greece recorded an all-time high in November 2024 (646 GWh). Lignite had the highest monthly production of the year (406 GWh), while production from fossil gas (2,172 GWh) was the third highest of the year.
The Green Tank’s eighth newsletter for the developments of the last six months (July – December 2024) related to the Just Transition of lignite regions in Greece and in Europe has been published.
The highest monthly gas consumption since March 2022 (6.94 TWh) was noted in November (6.7 TWh). The largest year-on-year increase in November came from gas use in electricity (+2.23 TWh).
The SAvE Whales partners created the project’s first short documentary.
Carbon Market Watch, The Green Tank and other European organizations have sent a letter to the new European Commission on the proper use of ETS revenues.
This analysis by The Green Tank calculates the first sectoral carbon budgets based on the NECP projections and shows that in the five-year period 2026-2030 Greece will burden the atmosphere with 257 million tons CO2eq.
The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention voted to lower the protection status of wolves, a decision widely criticized by conservation experts and environmental organizations.