climate change & energy

Trends in electricity production – January 2022

According to the latest monthly data for the interconnected electricity network from ADMIE, renewables (including large hydro) produce more electricity than fossil fuels, in the first month of the year for the second time in a row.

The EU taxonomy and the implications for Greece

On the occasion of the presentation of the delegated act of the European Commission, which treats investments in fossil gas and nuclear energy as sustainable, Nikos Mantzaris analyzes why renewable energy sources and the electricity storage is the only way forward for Greece.

Trends in electricity production – December 2021

According to the latest monthly data for the interconnected electricity network from ADMIE (December 2021): Lignite hit a new record low. Despite the increased demand in 2021 compared to 2020 (+5%) and the spike in fossil gas prices, especially in the second half of 2021, electricity production from lignite decreased by 6.7% in 2021 compared to 2020, while relative to 2019 the decrease almost reached 50% (-49%).

Climate-neutral power generation by 2035?

On the occasion of Germany’s commitment to zero emissions in the electricity sector by 2035, Nikos Mantzaris analyzes the prospects for similar commitments from Greece and other European countries in an article in energypress published on January 17, 2022.

Why EastMed is not a sustainable project

Comment by Nikos Mantzaris in an article by Theodore Chondrogiannos for Investigate Europe and Reporters United, which analyzes why the EastMed pipeline that will transfer fossil gas from Israel to Europe is not a sustainable project.