climate change & energy

About the climate crisis

Talk by Ioli Christopoulou titled “Climate change is here and it determines our lives” during the 13th conference of Nea Dimokratia (New Democracy)

Can Greece replace lignite with renewables by 2028?

Analysis and thoughts provided by Nikos Mantzaris  of the Green Tank on the historic 2028 lignite phase out decision announced by the Greek Prime Minister in the climate summit in New York and what it means for the deployment of renewables.

Do we properly site wind turbines in Greece?

Comments by Nikos Mantzaris in Theodore Chondrogiannos’ detailed story on the multifaceted issue of proper RES sitting and especially wind farms at a time when high RES penetration is absolutely essential for the viability of the country’s electricity model.

The end of lignite

The Green Tank congratulates the Greek Prime Minister on his historic decision to close all lignite plants by 2028. Attention now must turn to the just transition of lignite regions.

Lignite plants and water pollution in Greece – the case of Akrini

Τhe Green Tank participated in a debate which took place on Tuesday 10 September 2019, on the Water Framework Directive and coal. The discussion was co-organized by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the WWF European Policy Office (WWF EU) and the Polish environmental organization “Development YES – Open-Pit Mines NO “.

The end of an era for Greek lignite

Losses in the range of €700 million from the operation of lignite units in the past 3,5 years are revealed by a Green Tank report titled “The economics of Greek lignite plants: The end of an era.” The report concludes by proposing the retirement of specific lignite units in the immediate future so that the losses that the PPC faces are minimized in the coming years.