sustainable development

Climate neutrality: use of available funds is key

An opinion piece by Ioli Christopoulou on the elements that must characterize the planning at the national and regional levels in order to utilize in the best way the available financing opportunities that Greece has during the upcoming period that was published on

Financing opportunities for a sustainable future

The Green Tank’s new report identifies the European funding sources that Greece and its regions will have available for the green transformation of key sectors of the economy and the transition to a sustainable future during the 2021-2027 period.

Financing so that the green commitment becomes practice

On the occasion of the World Environment Day and the conclusion of Green Tank’s new report entitled “Financing opportunities for a sustainable future during the 2021-2027”, Ioli Christopoulou in an opinion piece stresses the need to make use of the unprecedented level of funding of the 2021-2027 period for the transition of Greece and its regions to a new sustainable development model.

The rescue of the Greek Galapagos

Ioli Christopoulou comments on the significance of the decision taken by the Ministry of Environment and Energy rejecting the installation of wind turbines on 14 islets in the Aegean Sea in Natura 2000 areas.

“Life vest” of 1.4 trillion dollars by 2030 for protected areas

Ioli Christopoulou comments on the significance of the report by Cambridge University professor Sir Partha Dasgupta on the economics of biodiversity, and the need to redefine humanity’s relationship with nature, not on the basis of what humanity can draw from it, but on the basis of what nature can provide.