Articles / Opinions

Do we properly site wind turbines in Greece?

Comments by Nikos Mantzaris in Theodore Chondrogiannos’ detailed story on the multifaceted issue of proper RES sitting and especially wind farms at a time when high RES penetration is absolutely essential for the viability of the country’s electricity model.

The lignite refugees

Article by Ioli Christopoulou on two lignite towns, Akrini and Anargiroi, in Western Macedonia, awaiting for years to be relocated, due to the degradation caused to their land and quality of life by the lignite industry.

Change of course for Ptolemaida 5

Opinion piece by Nikos Mantzaris on the necessity to change course regarding the new, under construction, lignite plant “Ptolemaida 5” in light of the lack of approval by the European Commission of the Greek capacity mechanism until 4 July 2019, when the new Electricity Market Regulation entered into force.

EU must block Greece’s desperate attempt to subsidise coal power

Joint article by Nikos Mantzaris from the Green Tank and Joanna Flisowska from CAN Europe on the attempts by the Greek government and PPC to bypass the new EU rules and obtain an exemption which would allow channeling of subsidies, paid by the Greek citizens, towards the new, under construction lignite plant “Ptolemaida 5” as well as existing lignite plants.

The hunt for the lignite exemptions

Statement on the attempts by the Greek government and PPC to become eligible for a derogation which would subsidize PPC’s new lignite plant “Ptolemaida 5” in the newspaper “To Vima”