Articles / Opinions

EU after Lignite and Coal

Analysis on the evolution of gross electricity production from different energy sources in EU-27 Members States since the beginning of the century as well as on the challenges for the future arising from the observed trends.

Greece brings coal exit forward three years to 2025

The Europe Beyond Coal Campaign welcomes Greece’s earlier exit from lignite which is marked by PPC’s decision to convert its last lignite plant “Ptolemaida” 5 in a different technology by 2025 but warns against the wrong choice in the replacement technology.

EU ETS and Just Transition

Article by Nikos Mantzaris on the opportunity arising from the escalation of carbon prices to fund the Just Transition of Greece’s lignite regions through the public revenue from auctioning of CO2 allowances.

Lignite phase out and PPC’s green bond

Quote by Nikos Mantzaris in Euractiv regarding the significance of the decision to phase out lignite and the Just Transition challenge for Greece’s lignite regions towards a sustainable future.  

The bet of the transition to the postlignite era

Nikos Mantzaris’s article “The bet of the transition to the postlignite era” is included in the book “At the end is my beginning… A narrative of the transition to the postlignite era”, which was published a few days ago.

Growing pressure on the withdrawal of article 219

There is growing pressure on the article 219 of the bill of the Ministry of Development and Investment. A most important development is the announcement by the Nature 2000 Committee, the central scientific advisory body on biodiversity conservation in Greece, calling on the withdrawal of the article, that was issued yesterday. The announcement came after an urgent appeal by 23 NGOs, including the Green Tank, that was handed to the new Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, who addressed a greeting to