Just Transition

Western Macedonia after the decision to phase out lignite by 2028

Journalists Socrates Moutidis and Panagiotis Tsartsianidis attempt to give an X-ray of the situation in Western Macedonia immediately after the Greek prime minister’s historic announcement in New York “to close all lignite units the latest by 2028”, in their TV show in www.kozani.tv.  

The 2nd Forum of Mayors on Just Transition in Germany

Nikos Mantzaris participated in the 2nd Forum of Just Transition Mayors organized by the Mayor of Weisswasser, Germany on September 12, 2019. The forum was attended by 15 mayors from 7 European countries (Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina), Greek MEP Petros Kokkalis, many representatives of the civil society, trade unions as well as journalists.

The lignite refugees

Article by Ioli Christopoulou on two lignite towns, Akrini and Anargiroi, in Western Macedonia, awaiting for years to be relocated, due to the degradation caused to their land and quality of life by the lignite industry.