climate change & energy

Trends in electricity production – September 2021

According to the latest monthly data for the interconnected electricity network from ADMIE (September 2021): The lead of fossil gas over renewables (RES) is expanding during the first nine months of 2021, despite the extreme increase in gas’s fuel cost.

NGOs call ahead of COP26

Europe needs an unparalleled rollout of wind and solar energy to avoid worsening climate breakdown, according to a call t.o action launched today by Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

RES and social acceptance

Panel Coordination of the energypress conference “Renewable & Storage # 3 Forum” by Ioli Christopoulou, on October 13, 2021.

Fossil gas is not “green”

On the occasion of a study by the International Energy Agency, 150 NGOs and think tanks join their voices and co-sign a letter to the European Union institutions for the non-inclusion of fossil gas infrastructure in the sustainable ones.