just transition

The role of RES in Western Macedonia’s post-lignite future

Nikos Mantzaris participated in an online meeting of the programme “DeCarb: Supporting the clean energy transition of coal-intensive EU regions” on the “Introduction of renewable energy sources in the mix of energy resources of transition regions”, following an invitation of the President of the Regional Association of Municipalities (PED) of Western Macedonia and the National Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), on November 8, 2021.

The post-lignite era in light of COP26

Nikos Mantzaris, participated in the show FYSIKA, dedicated to the theme “Western Macedonia facing the post-lignite era”, as a guest of the physicist and development consultant Spyros Kanouras

CO2 allowances auctioning and lignite regions

An article by Nikos Mantzaris on energypress about the need to channel a specific percentage of the proceeds from the CO2 allowances auctioning annually and with consistency to the implementation of the Territorial Just Transition Plans.