Community Energy Watch | Analyses – Recommendations

Just Transition in the Making
Last modified: February 2025
  • The Green Tank studies all available data, records trends, and, via concrete recommendations, continuously intervenes in the public debate on the development of the institution of Energy Communities and the latter’s contribution to the Just Transition of the lignite regions.

Policy Recommendations

By The Green Tank

Establish specific quantitative targets and measures in the new National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for self-production and energy communities. In particular, set a 3 GW discrete target for self-production by 2030.

Ensure sufficient grid for self-production projects by energy communities by establishing a distinct category of capacity margin allocation per substation with a total capacity of 2 MW exclusively for self-production projects by energy communities. Adjustment of the maximum absorption capacity per community energy self-production project to 1 MW.

Immediate resolution of problems of implementation of virtual net metering by providers for existing self-production projects by energy communities, in line with the commitments of the Ministry of Environment and Energy as expressed in the parliamentary scrutiny.

Support energy communities for a smooth transition from virtual net metering to virtual net billing, through subsidies for storage projects and reduction of representation costs, by designating DAPEEP as Aggregator for energy communities by citizens and SMEs as well. In addition, it is proposed to assess the impact of the possibility of sharing surplus energy with other consumers on investment, instead of selling it on the market.

Use existing national and European resources to support energy communities set up by citizens and SMEs across the country. Especially for the lignite areas, due to increased interest and needs, it is proposed to immediately publish a new call for support to energy communities by citizens and SMEs from the resources of the Just Transition Development Program 2021 – 2027, following the model of the corresponding call for municipalities and related bodies.

Facilitate access to bank lending for self-production community energy projects by citizens and SMEs, through the creation of a guarantee mechanism. This can be achieved by setting up a development fund, which could additionally subsidise the costs of project maturity and the costs of installing storage infrastructure.

Use the resources of the Emissions Trading System (ETS), including the resources of the new ETS 2 for buildings and road transport, to finance energy community projects regarding efficiency, electrification of heating and electromobility.

Enhance citizen participation in large-scale RES projects, with a focus on lignite areas by instituting share ownership and reserving part of the shares to be purchased by energy communities.

A special framework for conducting competitive procedures for RES projects should be introduced, involving only Energy Communities and, thus, ensuring a level playing field.

An information hub for energy communities should be launched by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, aimed to strengthen the institution through the collection and publication of data on Energy Communities and the formulation of recommendations (indicatively, regarding support schemes, business models, institutional changes, etc.), as well as to provide direct information on all relevant institutional developments and to address any issues that arise.
