Article by Nikos Mantzaris on the annual edition GREEK ENERGY 2021 published by energypress for the tenth consecutive year.
Greece is rapidly phasing out lignite and that is the most important development in the country’s recent energy history. At the same time it is followed by severe consequences for the local communities in the lignite regions. How did we end up here? How the current conditions of energy transition are affected by the long- term policy of underestimating the international trends, the violation of the European law and the constant demand for exemptions in order to maintain the lignite status quo? Today the energy landscape in Europe is changing rapidly as the dependency on coal and lignite is fading and the RES are starting to be dominant in the electricity production mix of the majority of the European countries. The same happens in Greece and that is the reason why the country should move decisively to RES, energy saving and energy storage.
The article titled “Greece in front of a new energy crossroad” was published (in Greek) in GREEK ENERGY 2021 on 01.07.2021.