Participation of Ioli Christopoulou in a panel discussion on the European Green Deal hosted by Matroni Dikaiakou’s “Karta Melous” (Member’s Card) show on the Hellenic Parliament’s broadcaster.
The panel discussion brought to light both the ambitious objectives of the EU’s new development strategy as well as the challenges in accomplishing them, at the EU and national levels. Topics such as the decision of Greece to phase out lignite by 2028, the Just Transition Mechanism and the role of the EU funds were covered extensively in course of the discussion.
Maria Spyraki, MEP ND (EPP), Petros Kokkalis, MEP SYRIZA (GUE/NGL), Constatinos Aravossis, General Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Energy and Margarita Karavassili, President of ECOCITY were also on the panel.
The show aired on Saturday, February 1, 2020.
You can watch the show (in Greek) here: